The Story Behind Sabi Partners

Phoebe and Kyle met while pursuing their undergraduate degrees at the Cox School of Business at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. They both studied accounting and were acquainted during the first day of Intermediate Accounting II when their professor asked them to introduce the person sitting beside them, quickly thereafter becoming study partners and close friends.

From the early days, they have enjoyed collaborating and find gratification in complementary elements of what it truly takes to drive results. After completing their MS in Accounting and diligently studying for their CPA exams together, they set the goal of someday operating a business as partners. Now, each with 10 years of independent professional experience, they are excited to turn their goal into reality with the formation of Sabi Partners.

In addition to being business partners, Phoebe and Kyle have been married since June 2013. They consider Dallas, Texas to be home; however, they find great joy in living a life filled with exploration and adventure. They love to be active, spend time outdoors with their 11-year-old terrier Pippa, and travel.

The name Sabi Partners is a tribute to their favorite travel destination, the Sabi Sands Game Reserve near the Kruger National Park in South Africa. Phoebe and Kyle had the fortune of visiting the Reserve to celebrate monumental occasions in their lives, and they consider it to be a very special place due to the peace and beauty of the natural environment.

On photo safari, the couple delighted in the challenge of the “search” to find “The Big Five” (lion, elephant, Cape buffalo, rhino, and leopard). However, the leopard was by far the most elusive animal, making it the hardest to find and ultimately, the most rewarding. The mission of Sabi Partners is to identify one “leopard” company to operate. Phoebe and Kyle could not be more excited about the journey and opportunity that lies ahead.